Helipad Transport Safety Data Sheet

Development of Transport Safety Data Sheet from 7 000 $.

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We tell you about implementing the Helipad Transport Safety Date Sheet using the example of the passport implemented for Bryansk Meat Company LLC (Miratorg) in 2021.

In accordance with the requirements of Government Decree No.2090 of 29 November 2021, a Transport Safety Data Sheet must be developed and approved by Rosaviatsiya

How is the Transport Safety Data Sheet for a helipad developed and approved?
We collected baseline data

We worked out a questionnaire with the customer to form the necessary information about the facility as part of the data sheet.

We formed the necessary orders and job descriptions.

We performed a vulnerability assessment of the facility

We evaluated the measures being implemented at the facility to ensure transport safety. We issued recommendations to ensure the required measures in accordance with Government Decree No. 2090.

We obtained approval from the territorial departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Security Service of Russia of the relevant procedures and rules required as part of the passport

As a rule, it takes up to 30 calendar days to review appeals.

We drafted the Transport Safety Data Sheet in paper and electronic form

After the original copies of all data sheet annexes were handed in by the Customer, a single document was formed for submission to Rosaviatsiya

We sent the data sheet to the Interregional Territorial Directorate of the Federal Agency for Air Transport for approval

As a rule, it takes 7 calendar days to review a passport

We received notification of approval of the Transport Safety Data Sheet from the Interregional Territorial Directorate of the Federal Agency for Air Transport

Upon completion of the data sheet review by Rosaviatsiya, we received a certified copy and handed it over to the Customer

We formed and sent to the Transport Safety Department of Rosaviatsiya information about the facility for inclusion in the register of TS facilities

In accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law on Transport Safety, we formed a list of data on the owner of the helipad for inclusion in the register of transport safety facilities

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